About us

CROSTAR is fast growing driving and transport recruitment agency. We provide support for companies in recruitment in the driving and industrial sectors.
As a family run driving and transport recruitment agency, we pride ourselves on an excellent and reliable service. We therefore do whatever it takes to serve our clients and candidates to the highest level.
Whether you’re looking to hire, or looking to get hired, we are here to help you. Our consultants listen, ask relevant questions and guide you through the next steps.

To discuss your next role or your requirements, please send us email on mail@crostar.co.uk or get in touch with us on +447429022322

At inJob, we call our employees “Dream Makers” because everyone here works for the ultimate purpose.

At inJob, we call our employees “Dream Makers” because everyone here works for the ultimate purpose.

At inJob, we call our employees “Dream Makers” because everyone here works for the ultimate purpose.

Dominic Norman

Dominic Norman

At inJob, we call our employees “Dream Makers” because everyone here works for the ultimate purpose: To help people and companies achieve their dreams. We make the dreams.
Dominic Norman

Dominic Norman

At inJob, we call our employees “Dream Makers” because everyone here works for the ultimate purpose: To help people and companies achieve their dreams. We make the dreams.
Dominic Norman

Dominic Norman

At inJob, we call our employees “Dream Makers” because everyone here works for the ultimate purpose: To help people and companies achieve their dreams. We make the dreams.

Let's we

Work together!